Once there was a dog named Kyler, and he was perhaps the best boy in the world. He could protect his owners from all sorts of perils, such as random people delivering paper, visitors that had to pass a rigorous security check, and even cleaning devices that projected so much noise that they could cover up the sound of approaching intruders. Kyler was great at his job, and every time he had done a good deed, he would be rewarded by getting to play with his favorite toy, a little plush reindeer. But Kyler also remembered what happened when he was a bad boy, his toy would be taken away. One day, Kyler was napping, paying little attention to his surroundings when he saw a movement out of the corner of his eyes. He stood up from his shady perch under the tree, and trotted over to the tree, where he saw a squirrel. The squirrel, being up to mischief, pelted an acorn at him. This brought a challenge to Kyler's territory, and he started shaking the tree in an attempt to get the squirrel ...
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