This week, I looked at student quotes in order to hopefully gain a change in perspective or new thought related to the growth mindset and improvement. I found the quotes on a Padlet. Two quotes that really stuck out were:
"I was so focused on not failing that I almost missed the whole point of school. To learn. And you learn from your mistakes, from your past. You don't learn anything from doing nothing wrong. You have to mess up to learn, you have to mess up to grow."
This one stuck out to me because it epitomizes a lot of what people struggle with in school. We generally just focus on getting the grade, and subordinate learning to be a secondary consideration. This results in moving on to the next year without being prepared and still not learning in the next year either.
"I want to pay more attention to the growth rather than the speed. I always try to learn things quickly and have many times crammed before an exam without actually learning the concepts. I feel like it is important to give yourself time to grow rather than rushing a process and ultimately becoming discouraged with the learning process."
This one is interesting because it strikes closer to home as I generally partition time in my day to do different tasks. While 3 hours might seem like a lot of time to do one task, if I still do not have the task down, I will tend to focus more on speed and quick tricks as opposed to actually learning the entire process.
Prioritizing Learning over Speed can result in real growth. Source: Pixabay
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