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Week 7 Story: The Legend of Baker Mayfield

There was a competition occurring in Dallas, Texas on a crisp and cool October day. The stadium was lined with fans, half of which likely wouldn't be able to make competent sentences. The competition was simple: win a game of football by scoring more points than the other team. The two teams lined up on each side of the field, one of them the team from Oklahoma, the other, a team from Texas that was only allowed to play because they begged really hard and eventually the conference got tired of them crying.

While many players were ready for the competition, one in particular thought he was the best fit for the entire contest. One player in particular had been rearing for a chance to win this game for the team from Oklahoma. The problem was that he was not formally allowed into the game, so he would need some kind of disguise in order to blend in well. He did what he had learned was called "walking on" and disguised himself in order to be able to compete. Many of the other players were trying to win the competition, but none were able to put up a convincing display.

The day moved on, and the fans became restless. They were watching teams in a deadlock with no clear winner and it became clear that none of the current contestants were able to win the competition. But then, in his clever walk-on disguise, a player entered into the field. His name was Baker Mayfield, and while others from the Texas team had failed to even throw a football accurately he was able to show off such immense skills to not only throw the ball accurately, but quickly and far.

Baker was able to win the entire competition, proving to the conference that the team from Texas should not be able to even compete, let alone call themselves a team. He was so divine and impressive that Baker was later crowned the best competitor in the entire nation, his legend would be told by thousands across the lands, and his stories would be passed on, generation over generation. He left but one simple message behind: Don't let the story distract you from the fact that Kansas beat Texas.

The Greatest Player to grace the field. Source: Wikimedia Commons

Author's Note: I compare Baker Mayfield to Arjuna, and I use the story where they disguise themselves as Brahmins in order to compete. Baker disguises himself as a walk on, and while none other were able to win the competition, he was by far, the best competitor.


  1. Oh, this is great; Erin did a Red River story also: it is going to be so fun to have these in the announcements for tomorrow! Whoo-hoo!!!

  2. Hi Sean!
    I LOVE your story, and propose an additional ending in light of yesterday’s sorrowful events: don’t let the fact that we lost to Texas distract you from the firing of Mike Stoops. (and hopeful future improvement of our previously lackluster defensive strategies). I appreciate how you re-told the ancient story in a contemporary and OU-pertinent way, and the unsubtle (and entirely truthful) jabs toward the saxeT fanbase throughout. Well done!

  3. Nice way to throw the walk-on spot in there lol. You did a nice job of turning football into a kind of ancient contest. Since Baker Mayfield is replacing Arjuna in the story, maybe give him some dialogue since Arjuna is a main character. Nice job though!

  4. Sean, I am here for any pro-Baker stories! I think it would be really interesting to see how he disguised himself as a walk-on, maybe by purposely pretending to play at a level that was much lower than his full potential! I think it would also be cool to include a short little scene about how he showed that he had a better arm than all of those on the Texas team by maybe him showing off a little during warm-ups by easily throwing a ball across the stadium, maybe even blind-folded!

  5. Hey Sean! I loved your story! I thought it was clever how you changed it up from the original story. I liked how you made the story more modern and wrote about football. Also, it was nice how you replaced Arjuna with Baker Mayfield, definitely made the story more interesting. Overall, great job on your story and keep it up!


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